Hello there! I thought I’d let you know what I’ve been up to lately.
My newest (and cutest to date) trick is sitting on or putting anything behind my back, throwing up my hands, and exclaiming “Where’d it go?!”. I will giggle loudly when you find the “missing” item and continue to do it a few more times.
As far as words go, I still like dog-gee, but I’ve added a lot more words recently. My current favorites are shoe, crack-er, door, train, ba-be (baby), de-doo (pacifier), and the most obvious one: grok-ew (pretzels [??]). I am also pretty good at repeating everything I hear and I even remember the word later, most of the time.
A couple additional words my parents aren’t as excited about are “more” and “mine”. “More” at least conveys something that will make me happy but “mine” never does. I think I picked it up from one of my friends at day care. Now that I think about it, “mine” doesn’t work very well and often leads to a nap time. Wait a second…
Sometimes when music starts playing I start moving around and flailing my arms. Some would call this dancing. I need to work on my skills though so my parents just signed me up in a family dance class called Wiggleworms. I can’t wait to get started!
Last but not least, my birthday is just over a month away. I can’t believe I’m almost two! My how time flies!
I hope to see all my avid readers in the near future!